Sunday, September 2, 2007


I take immense pleasure in announcing the arrival of the sixth edition of SYNERGY .

SYNERGY in its inaugural edition was started with the intention of providing an oppurtunity to the youth of Vijayawada and Guntur to exhibit their oratory and management skills.

Talking of opppurtunities a very famous proverb flashes by.This is how it goes,

" The reason most people dont recognise oppurtunities is because its usually disguised as work."

Now for those doubting the context of the above wise words with SYNERGY, let me very quickly give you the connection between the the two.The proverb is pretty simple to comprehend -'One needs to work to uncover oppurtunities'.Through SYNERGY we go one step forward.We do the work & you unearth oppurtunities.

SYNERGY in its previous five editions has received tremendous appreciation from the print and the electronic media alike.But what has kept us going is the massive support we have received from the participants of each edition.SYNERGY has seen some great times......participants conjuring up some magical moments.Who knows it could be you this time casting a magical spell on SYNERGY...........................................................................

Hoping to see you all then on the D-DAY..............

Kiran (President)


Avinash Matta said...

absolutely true - and a lively example of opportunities and work. nice to read ur post kiran....

Vivek said...

Hey,nice posting dude.Thats rite...Yeah,most ppl doesn't recognize Oppurtunities, when they knock the door...Nice one buddy...

Mansi said...

yeah we do work to uncover oppurtunities for everyone coming to synergy ,kiran ...and hope some participators of this synergy become oppurtunity uncoveres for the next synergy...