Sunday, September 9, 2007

From an Oldie....

Yes compared to all the other people on the Blog, I am the oldest member of the Bunch... But i wouldnt prefer calling myself an oldies coz at Felines no one is an oldie, coz learning never ceases. Every time i enter the club at 6:00 pm on Wednesday i feel a fresher... Coz i get to learn a lot... The first time i visited Felines, we were hardly 10 students.... And the started the journey... I bunked classes, skipped labs, hurried from the college even though there were just 5 minutes of session left at Felines... Such was our determination and enthusiasm... Sorry... IS our determination and enthusiasm.... We have been on the boat of Felines and we have been through many situations, we have been praised, severely criticised... We have seen it all...
The Club has transformed itself... The core ideals being the same over the period of time.. And now its time that we transferred the reins to the next rung of leaders... I wish them Best Of Luck... Will be posting more of my (our) experiences over the period of time...


Vivek said...

Thanks for Sharing ur Experiences buddy...V always saw u as one of our close buddies, but never as a senior...Such was d interaction btw us...Even V'll work hard to maintain d Standards of the club...

Anil/Surya Suravarapu said...

Hey, forgot Ashok... Hes older than me... :D

Aka said...
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Aka said...

The oldie :D

Unknown said...

Can i be the newbie..? :D